Official Midwest Chapter, 10th Mountain Division Living History Group Inc.

Comprised of:

The 1st Battalion, 87th Mountain Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division (Illinois) Re-enactment Group is meant to be a living memorial to the brave men and women of World War Two and to the men of the 10th Mountain Infantry Division in particular.

Our objective is to portray as authentically and accurately as possible, the elite mountain trained infantryman of WW2 and in particular that of the 87th Mountain Infantry Regiment & the 10th Mountain Division Mountain Recon Troop.   We strive to create an accurate mountain soldier impression of the period with respect to our uniforms, equipment, mounts, vehicles and appearance.  We believe that a living history portrayal is best reflected by not only emulating the appearance of the individual Mountaineer, but also reenacting the other facets of military and civilian life of the 1941-45 period. 

We invite you to visit our site and if you have any questions or if you are interested in reenacting with the 10th Mountain Infantry Division, please contact our C/O through the link below.   As a group, we are attempting to represent one of the most misunderstood and under represented units in the history of the United States Army.  They were elite troopers.  We hope in some small way that we are honoring their sacrifices, & teaching the public about this pivotal era in world history.

Give us a look and see if you have what it takes to represent these fine men.

Camp Hale Last Reunion

Located in Northern Illinois, we have 15 roster members(1/2010) and attend mostly local events.  We have a mounted Recon contingent, and a motorized leg/ski group.  We also have a ladies contingent which attends events as Resistance Fighters, or assigned military personnel of the 7th Service Command (WAC).  We are recognized as the Official Midwest Chapter of the 10th Mountain Living History Group/Colorado and have taken part at events at Camp Hale and Denver.  We are also members of the Tactical Studies Group, Inc. (TSG) for a local Midwest parent organization.

For more information, to attend a trial event with us, or join!


 Military C/O:  Sgt. Shawn Clark

 Midwest Chapter President and Webmaster: "Doc" Phil Lauricella

 Mounted Recon Group: SSGT. Ward Brown

           Resistance Group: Rebecca Tulloch


Click on the pictures for links to other pages in our site.    

Gallery of Pictures

Gallery of Pictures

Event Listings


How it all began....

How it Started!


Table of Organization

10th Mountain History


Mounted Recon Group

Resistance & Civilian

Uniform Standards

10th Medical Battalion


Pictures of modern day Camp Hale

Camp Hale & Last Reunion


Training Manual

Songs of the Division

camp hale history

Period Magazine Articles

Our reading List

10th Mountain (Illinois) Members At Batavia IL Memorial Day Weekend, 2009

L to R:  Shawn, Taylor, Cindy, John, Phil, Adam, Kyle, Casey & Rebecca

And our Jeep

Not Pictured: Ward, Bill, Joe K, Joe G, Lynn, Chris  & Mounts: Chappie, Bullet and Molly


Unit Member Pictures 2010

Click on the Picture---->



Other WW2 and Tenth Mountain Information Links

The Last Ridge10th Mtn. AssociationFt. Drum "Blizzard"The Rucksack

Prairie Star ProductionsReenactor Unit LinksRobert's ArmoryMedical Research Forum

Frontlines ForumWW2Medic's ForumWW2 Proboards Forum

Tactical Studies Group, Inc.10th Mountain Videos10th Mountain LHDG, Colorado

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